"Digital Economic Development Center DEAC Ltd.
Underground data center located Grīziņkalnā (1905th of park). Tas ir bijušais padomju armijas komandpunkts – bunkurs, kas būvēts kā īpaši droša celtne. It is a former Soviet army komandpunkts - bunker, built as a highly secure building. Datu centra izdevīgais izvietojums (tuvu Rīgas centram) ļauj izmantot visas neieciešamās mūsdienu komunikācijas. Data Center favorable location (near the center of Riga) allows the use of all needed in modern communications. Tas atrodas 9 metrus virs jūras līmeņa, bet tajā pašā laikā atrodas 12 metrus zem zemes. It is 9 meters above sea level, but at the same time, located 12 meters below ground. Šāds izvietojums ļauj izvairīties gan no plūdu bīstamības, gan arī no elektromagnētiskā starojuma. Such an arrangement avoids both the flood hazard, as well as of electromagnetic radiation.
Lūdzu, izmantojiet iespēju aplūkot datu centru no iekšienes, izmantojot zemāk pieejamo video ekskursiju. Please use the opportunity to look at the data center from the inside, using available video tour below.
Latest global trends prove that IT strategies of companies are changing towards raising of data and IT hardware security. In order to offer clients a more extensive range of super-secure services, the largest Baltic data center operator DEAC Ltd. launches a new service called "Maximum Data Security."
Companies Require More Secure Server Co-Location Solutions
Riga, Latvia, October 19, 2009 --www.deac.eu-- The "Maximum Data Security" service was created after a client survey with a purpose to explore the needs and satisfaction of the current and potential clients with respect to the services offered. It showed that companies are ready to rationalize their IT infrastructure, build a stronger business continuity plan and use secure data center services.

The "Maximum Data Security" service will offer five increased-security levels. Firstly, it includes ID access control to server racks, additional alarm system and notification. Secondly, racks can have video and micro-climate monitoring, and vibration sensors can be installed. Similarly, within this new service DEAC offers separate, dedicated and lockable server rack compartments. "Finally it is possible to provide those clients who require topmost security with a separate lockable room for hardware co-location," says Andris Gailītis, Chairmen of the Board, DEAC Ltd.
"Depending on the chosen security level, communication connection scheme and other security requirements, the service prices can differ. As an example, a solution that would satisfy requirements of any bank - Maximum Data Security 4KW TIER I/II server rack with ID, movement sensors, individual IP cameras, GSM Ethernet disconnecting switches and Internet connection, is available starting from 1000 EUR per month," the CEO describes the flexible pricing policy.
The new service could be successfully developed thanks to the opening of the 2nd DEAC's data center "Rīga" being the largest and most advanced data center in the Baltics, opened September this year. Current area of the data center is 600m2, up to 200 server racks can be rented there with a server capacity up to 8000 units.
In early 2011 it is planned to expand the center's area up to 1400m2 or up to 500 server racks with a server capacity up to 20 500. It must be noted that the data center "Rīga" conforms to the highest category in the "Uptime Institute" classification - TIER IV, being the highest data center infrastructure security and availability standard.
About DEAC:
DEAC is the largest data center operator in the Baltics. It owns an underground data center „Grīziņkalns” (TIER II infrastructure level), and data center "Rīga" (TIER IV infrastructure level).
DEAC's clients are from 20 different countries of the world, and the total number of them has almost reached 2 thousand, including Spanish telecommunications' giant Telefonica, National Bank of Latvia, Rietumu Bank, Danske Bank, inbox.lv, one.lv, Seesam Latvia, TV3 Latvia, The Baltic Times, etc.
DEAC is the official distributor of DELL solutions in Latvia, and the authorized partner of such IT companies as EMC, Microsoft, VMware and APC.
Artis Babris
459 Maskavas street, Riga, Latvia, LV1063
Ph.: +371 6707 2100, Fax: +371 67072199
office@deac.eu, www.deac.eu
Good stuff given in blog. The "Maximum Data Security" service was created after a client survey with a purpose to explore the needs and satisfaction of the current and potential clients with respect to the services offered.
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